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The ​Book of Awesome


799 Ft

Based ​on the award-winning 10-million-plus-hit blog, The Book of Awesome is a high five for humanity and a big celebration of life’s little moments:

• Popping Bubble Wrap
• Wearing underwear just out of the dryer
• Fixing electronics by smacking them
• Getting called up to the dinner buffet first at a wedding
• Watching The Price Is Right when you’re home sick
• Hitting a bunch of green lights in a row
• Waking up and realizing it’s Saturday

Sometimes it’s easy to forget the things that make us smile. With a 24/7 news cycle reporting that the polar ice caps are melting, hurricanes are swirling in the seas, wars are heating up around the world, and the job market is in a deep freeze, it’s tempting to feel that the world is falling apart. But awesome things are all around us-sometimes we just need someone to point them out.

The Book of Awesome reminds us that the best things in life are free (yes, your grandma was right). With laugh-out-loud observations from award- winning comedy writer Neil Pasricha, The Book of Awesome is filled with smile-inducing moments on every page that make you feel like a kid looking at the world for the first time. Read it and you’ll remember all the things there are to feel good about.

The Book of Awesome reminds us of all the little things that we often overlook but that make us smile. With touching, warm, and funny observations, each entry ends with the big booming feeling you’ll get when you read through them: AWESOME!


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Könyv információ

Kiadás éve
Putnam Adult
Neil Pasricha
    Kosár tartalma
    Goriot apó
    1 X 399 Ft = 399 Ft
    Küzdelmes hűség
    1 X 999 Ft = 999 Ft
    Rózsák a vérmezőn
    1 X 799 Ft = 799 Ft
    1 X 399 Ft = 399 Ft
    A szép pap
    1 X 399 Ft = 399 Ft
    Kétélű fegyver I. kötet
    1 X 999 Ft = 999 Ft
    1 X 299 Ft = 299 Ft
    Egy ​igazi barát
    1 X 499 Ft = 499 Ft
    Hogy ​is van ez?
    1 X 799 Ft = 799 Ft
    A ​lángban álló szigettenger
    1 X 1499 Ft = 1499 Ft
    Régi ​filmek
    1 X 499 Ft = 499 Ft
    A tibeti orgona
    1 X 699 Ft = 699 Ft
    Körkép 85
    1 X 599 Ft = 599 Ft
    A ​mennyország várhat
    1 X 499 Ft = 499 Ft
    Keiner fälscht wie Rainer
    1 X 299 Ft = 299 Ft
    Tom Swift A karatézó kiborg
    1 X 499 Ft = 499 Ft
    WikiLeaks ​– A leleplezés
    1 X 799 Ft = 799 Ft
    Genezis/ Gyémánt
    1 X 899 Ft = 899 Ft
    Lassie ​hazatér
    1 X 399 Ft = 399 Ft
    Zord ​tél a vadnyugaton
    1 X 999 Ft = 999 Ft
    Hellsing, Vol. 1
    1 X 1999 Ft = 1999 Ft
    Messzi ​utca
    1 X 399 Ft = 399 Ft
    Darth ​Vader kesztyűje
    1 X 399 Ft = 399 Ft
    A ​tőr
    1 X 399 Ft = 399 Ft
    Az ​év műfordításai 2006
    1 X 599 Ft = 599 Ft
    Egy ​asszony élete
    1 X 499 Ft = 499 Ft
    Észak ​Dél ellen
    1 X 1999 Ft = 1999 Ft
    Pöttöm-Nagy ​Kázmér
    1 X 399 Ft = 399 Ft
    Hétköznapi ​varázslat
    1 X 599 Ft = 599 Ft
    Goriot apó
    1 X 299 Ft = 299 Ft
    1 X 399 Ft = 399 Ft
    Laura ​titkos társasága
    1 X 599 Ft = 599 Ft
    Vezetési ismeretek III.
    1 X 199 Ft = 199 Ft