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CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Mortal Wounds

1199 Ft

Three Classic CSI Novels in One Volume – Based on the Critically Acclaimed Hit CBS Series!


Meet the little known and even less understood heroes of police work in Las Vegas — the forensic investigators. Led by veteran Gil Grissom, the remarkable team assigned to the Criminalistics Bureau’s graveyard shift — including Catherine Willows, Warrick Brown, Nick Stokes, and Sara Sidle — must combine cutting-edge scientific methods and old-fashioned savvy as they work to untangle the evidence behind the yellow police tape. While Nick and Catherine investigate a newly discovered murder committed fifteen years ago, Grissom, Warrick, and Sara must uncover the identity of a cold-blooded killer — one whose execution-style, “double-tap” signature has now provoked the interest of the FBI….


“If anything happens to me, get this cassette to the police,” Lynn Pierce told her friends the night she disappeared without a trace. Lynn was a devout Christian, and a devoted wife and mother — who left behind a recording of a husband threatening to cut her into little pieces…. Jenna Patrick was a professional stripper trying to get out of the sex trade and into junior college — but wound up strangled in a locked room at the club where she worked…. What could these two women possibly have had in common — aside from the fact that they’re both victims of homicide?


Remote. Peaceful. Picturesque. That’s how the Mumford Mountain Hotel bills itself in its brochure, and it lives up to its reputation — most of the time. But this year, the hotel is hosting a prestigious conference for the study of forensic science, and the organizers have extended CSI head Gil Grissom an invitation he can’t refuse. Joined by fellow investigator Sara Sidle, Grissom leaves the department in the capable hands of Catherine Willows and heads east. But he and Sara soon find themselves in all too familiar territory — while back in Las Vegas, Catherine, Warrick Brown, and Nick Stokes have uncovered foul play of their own….

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Pocket Books
Max Allan Collins
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